How To Sanitize And Infect Boards For Safe Food Prep

Wood Cutting Boards

How To Sanitize And Infect Boards For Safe Food Prep

Cutting boards are an essential part of food preparation and are often overlooked when it comes to sanitation. If a cutting board is not properly sanitized, it can be a breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to foodborne illnesses. That’s why it is important to know how and when to sanitize and disinfect your cutting boards in order to ensure the safety of your food. 

Sanitizing Versus Disinfecting 

When it comes to cleaning a wood cutting board, there is a difference between sanitizing and disinfecting. Sanitizing reduces the number of bacteria on a surface, while disinfecting eliminates most or all of the bacteria on that surface. In order to ensure that your cutting board is safe for use, it should be both sanitized and disinfected before and after each use. 

How To Sanitize & Disinfect A Cutting Board 

Sanitizing your cutting board can be done with either hot water or a chemical sanitizer such as Chlorine bleach or Iodophor solution. To properly sanitize with hot water, submerge the cutting board in water heated between 140-160°F (60-71°C) for 30 seconds or longer. To use chemical sanitizers, follow the directions provided on the product label for proper dilution rates. After using either method, rinse the cutting board with cold water before drying it with a clean cloth or paper towel. 

Disinfecting your cutting board can be done using household products such as white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, as well as commercial products made specifically for this purpose. For vinegar, simply spray the surface of the cutting board with undiluted white vinegar and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before wiping it away with warm soapy water and rinsing with cold water. For hydrogen peroxide, mix 1 teaspoon (5ml) of hydrogen peroxide in 1 quart (950 ml) of warm water before spraying onto the surface of the cutting board and letting sit for 10 minutes followed by wiping down with warm soapy water and rinsing again with cold water.   Commercial products should also be used according to their directions on labeling before wiping down with warm soapy water and rinsing once more with cold water. 

Conclusion: No matter what type of food you are preparing—whether vegetables, meat, poultry or fish—ensuring that your kitchen boards are clean is essential in preventing foodborne illness from occurring in your kitchen! By following these guidelines on how to properly sanitize and disinfect your boards between uses you can keep your food preparation area safe from harmful bacteria while still enjoying delicious meals! Remember – cleanliness matters when it comes to prepping any type of food! With these tips in mind you’re sure to have an enjoyable cooking experience every time!